Customers... Customer tracking is an integral part of CounterPoint. CounterPoint retains complete Customer Information Basic customer information includes name, address, email, two contact names, fax numbers, and phone numbers. A customer may be assigned to a specific user-defined category to group similar customers for reporting and analysis. Customer numbers may be manually entered or automatically assigned. When a new customer is added, much of the basic information may be copied from another customer to help reduce errors and speed up the entry process, or a template customer may be defined. Customers can be selected by entering the customer’s number, scanning a customer ID card or loyalty card, or by searching for keywords that match any portion of the customer’s name, telephone number, etc. For a charge sale, CounterPoint checks the customer’s credit limit, and only an authorized user may override credit limits. Easily remove inactive customers from CounterPoint. Inactive customers are those that have no open orders or layaways, no open balances, no unposted balances, and no sales activity after the specified cutoff date. Loyalty Programs Customer Profiles Each user-defined profile field is set up to only allow certain types of information. For example, “birthday” would only allow valid date entries, “shoe size” would only allow numeric entries between a specified range of values, etc. In addition, you may set up user-defined profile codes to ensure that (for example) “membership status” is selected from a list of valid user-defined values (e.g., Gold, Silver, or Bronze). Shipping Information |
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